Support the ministry of Pretoria West Bible Church:
LHC Church Planting
Absa Bank, Lynnwood Ridge
Account Number: 9331410062
Branch Code: 632005
Please specify your donation is for “Pretoria West” (If your donation is towards purchasing the church property, please specify your donation is for “Pretoria West Property”)
*If you are wiring funds from outside South Africa, you may need this additional information:​
Recipient: Living Hope Church Sunnyside
Address: 327 Hilda Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ
*For information on how to give tax-deductible donations towards the church property from the USA, please see the bottom of the page here.
Support the ministry of Muphamuzi Baby Home
(a place of safety for orphaned and abandoned babies):
Please click here.